Monday, March 17, 2008

My life.

Hey everyone. I've been talking about advice and treating others right, but now I'm going to talk a little about my self. I really am the age I say I am. Also I am very happy this week because because like every other person in the world who's below 30 is on Spring Break!!!!! One of the best times of the year. For me it's going to end with a trip to the swap meet to find a few new swords to ad to my growing collection. But let me warn you that just because it's fun to swing them around, doesn't mean it's safe. I learned that lesson the hard way, and are reminded of it when ever I look in the mirror at the scar on my face. Don't ask what happened.
But yeah, I digress. What I really want to talk about is something I learned a little while ago. I was the kind of person who would stress and worry about a lot of crap. And I mean this was real "not suppose to worry about" crap. I would worry about school and getting the best grades possible, about how much money my family had, and mainly on my snake not having had anything to eat for 5 months. But then one day I was playing video games and realized I didn't have a care in the world except to blow the head off the other guy in Call of Duty 4. It was at that moment I told myself, "I need to feel this way more often." (And no not blow off the other guy's head more often)
So, I did. I started to relax more often and give up more to my higher power. For me it's God. When I did this I started to feel better than I had just about my entire life. Soon I started relaxing more often to just listen to music, play video games, reading my Bible, or hangin with my friends. Eventually things started to take care of themselves. Now my snake is eating again and I'm doing better in school than I was before. But, don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean you should just laze about and let everything take care of itself. Life doesn't work that way. I do still need to do the work, only now I just don't stress about it.

Stress is something that can make you sick if you do it to much. I learned that the hard way as well because of constant head aches I had and kept from my family. My point is that you shouldn't stress so much about life. otherwise you can't enjoy it. So, find a way to relax and do it, A LOT!!!!! It will help.

Thank you for reading.
Tell your friends.

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